Get a Free SEO Audit and Boost Your Website's Visibility

Are you struggling to get your website to the top of the search results? Do you feel like your SEO efforts are falling flat? Well, fear not, my friends, because we've got the solution for you!

Our free SEO audit is designed to help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website, so you can make the necessary changes to improve your search engine rankings. Our team of SEO experts will analyze your website and provide you with a comprehensive report, complete with actionable recommendations on how to optimize your website for maximum visibility.

Don't let your website get lost in the digital abyss! Sign up for our free SEO audit today and let's get started on boosting your website's visibility.

SEO Audit

Achieve better rankings and drive increased organic traffic

This report leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies and adheres to official search engine standards and top SEO practices. It analyzes over 230 key ranking factors impacting your website's visibility and conversion rates on search engines. Additionally, it offers clear, actionable recommendations to address issues and enhance your SEO performance.

SEO audit report

  1. Competitor Analysis List

  2. Google Snippets Overview

  3. Title and Description Matching Report

  4. Title and H1 Alignment Report

  5. Description and H1 Alignment Report

  6. Empty Title and Description Detector

  7. Short Description Analysis

  8. Long Description Analysis

  9. Missing Title Detection Report

  10. Missing Description Detection Report

  11. Missing H1 Detection Report

  12. Duplicate Title Identification

  13. Duplicate Description Identification

  14. Duplicate Content Analysis

  15. Indexing Blockage Report

  16. META Tag Keyword Spamming Detection

  17. Profanity/Swear Word Checker

  18. Header Keyword Spamming Detection

  19. Description Keyword Spamming Detection

  20. Header Overuse Report

  21. Content Keyword Spamming Detection

  22. Bigram Overuse in META Tags and Content Report

  23. Excessive Use of <strong>/<bold> Tags Report

  24. Word Repetition in Sentences Analysis

  25. Thin Content Detection

  26. Plagiarism Detection

  27. Non-Indexed Landing Pages Analysis

  28. Landing Page URL History

  29. Adult Content Detection Report

Domain and hosting

  1. Age of the Domain

  2. Domain Expiration Date

  3. Nameserver (NS) Records

  4. Website IP Address

  5. Hosting Location of the Domain

Crawler stats

  1. Search Engine Index Status Checker

  2. Total Pages Crawled by Our System

  3. Number of Pages Indexed by Google

Competitors analysis

  1. Competitor Snippets Analysis

  2. Evaluation of Competitor Websites Using 33 Commercial Factors

  3. Competitor List Compilation

  4. Competitor Visibility Calculation


  1. Pages in the sitemap that cannot be indexed

  2. Pages blocked from indexing but still included in sitemap.xml

  3. Indexable pages not included in sitemap.xml

  4. Total number of pages listed in the sitemap

  5. 40-Point Sitemap Validation Checklist

    1. Invalid URL in sitemap index file

    2. Invalid URL format

    3. Empty sitemap file

    4. URLs inaccessible

    5. Compression failure

    6. Excessive redirects

    7. Sitemap exceeds maximum file size

    8. Too many URLs in the sitemap

    9. Excessive number of sitemaps in the index file

    10. Invalid date format

    11. XML contains too many tags

    12. URLs linking to external domains

    13. Invalid attribute values

    14. Unsupported sitemap format

    15. Path mismatch: Missing "www" in dependencies

    16. Path mismatch: Contains "www" in dependencies

    17. Incorrect namespace declaration

    18. Invalid tag value

    19. Incomplete URL in sitemap index file

    20. Missing required XML attributes

    21. Missing required XML tags

    22. Missing thumbnail URL

    23. Missing video title

    24. Nested sitemap indexes detected

    25. XML parsing error

    26. Thumbnail size too large

    27. Thumbnail size too small

    28. Video location and playback page are identical

    29. Video location URL appears to link to a playback page

    30. Relative URL links present

    31. URL exceeds maximum length

    32. All pages in a sitemap have identical modification dates

    33. No modification date tags in the sitemap

    34. Missing page refresh dates or priorities in the sitemap

    35. Missing refresh rate or indexing priority for pages

    36. Leading whitespace in the file

    37. Sitemap URL redirects to another location

    38. Invalid URL priority format

    39. URLs marked as disallowed

    40. All pages in a sitemap have identical priority values

User Behaviour Data

  1. Graphs showing behavioral data

  2. Bounce rate percentage analysis

  3. Link depth per session viewed

  4. Average time spent per session

  5. Total site visitor count

  6. Traffic report for mobile devices

  7. Bounce rate report for mobile devices

  8. Visit duration report for mobile devices

  9. Traffic data report by source

  10. Bounce rate report by source

  11. Traffic report per page

  12. Bounce rate report per page

  13. Traffic and bounce rate analysis by city

  14. Traffic and bounce rate analysis by search engine

  15. Traffic and bounce rate analysis by keywords

  16. List of search terms used to find your site in the past year

  17. Pages with no traffic identified

  18. Traffic and bounce rate report for advertisements

Link Analysis

  1. Report on the total number of internal inbound and outbound links on the site

  2. Checker for excessive outbound links (over 200)

  3. List of pages missing outbound internal links

  4. Report on landing pages with fewer than 5 inbound links

  5. List of links pointing to external domains

  6. List of links without anchor text

Technical Audit

  1. User-Agent Website Response Checker

  2. List of All URL Variants

  3. Global Website Availability Test

  4. Cloaking Detection Tool

  5. Search Engine Website Availability Report

  6. Mobile Version Redirect Checker

  7. 403 and 404 Error Detection

  8. Broken Link Analysis

  9. 500, 503, and 504 Error Checker

  10. Unresponsive Page Detection

  11. Critical HTML Error Report

  12. Incorrect HTML Doctype Checker

  13. List of <frame> Tags Used

  14. Multiple Title or Description Detection

  15. Missing Image Checker

  16. Missing JavaScript Checker

  17. Missing CSS Checker

  18. Missing Files Report

  19. Pages Containing rel=canonical Links

  20. URLs Differing from rel=canonical Declaration

  21. URLs Matching rel=canonical Declaration

  22. Pages with Cross-Domain Canonical Links

  23. Multiple rel=canonical Declarations Report

  24. Canonical Tags Pointing to Non-Existent Pages

  25. rel=canonical URLs Blocked by robots.txt

  26. rel=canonical Missing HTTP/HTTPS Prefix

  27. rel=canonical Tag Found in Page <body>

  28. Oversized Page Detection Tool

  29. External Images Usage Report

  30. External JavaScript Usage Report

  31. External CSS Usage Report

  32. Subdomain Redirect Checker

  33. Cross-Domain Redirect Checker

  34. Internal Domain Redirect Checker

  35. Multiple Redirect Detection

  36. Comprehensive Image List

  37. Missing alt Attribute Report

  38. Missing Title Attribute Report

  39. Pages Without Unique Images

  40. Mobile HTML Optimization Report

  41. HTML Document Size Optimization

  42. Domain or IP Blacklist Checker

  43. Mixed Content Analysis

  44. Compromised Links Detection

  45. Pages Displaying Program Error Messages

  46. 404 Response Report

  47. List of Fixed www and Non-www URLs

  48. Average Page Load Time Analysis

  49. SSL Certificate Check

    1. SSL Certificate in Use

    2. Validity Period of SSL Certificate

    3. Self-Signed Certificate Detection

    4. Domain Inclusion in Certificate

    5. SSL Certificate Trustworthiness

    6. 301 Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

    7. Port 443 Display in URL

  50. 26 Types of Robots.txt Errors

    1. Directives must be separated from rules using the ":" symbol.

    2. Empty directive found.

    3. Empty rule present.

    4. Missing User-agent directive before the rule.

    5. Use of the "User-agent: *" wildcard form.

    6. Unsupported directive detected for the search engine.

    7. Exceeded the maximum number of rules allowed in robots.txt.

    8. Rule length exceeds the allowed limit.

    9. Rule format is incorrect.

    10. Use of Unicode characters in URLs.

    11. Invalid character detected in the rule.

    12. Rule does not begin with "/" or "*".

    13. Incorrect "Crawl-delay" directive format.

    14. Presence of BOM (Byte Order Mark) in the line.

    15. Invalid format for Sitemap URL.

    16. Multiple "Crawl-delay" directives found.

    17. Incorrect value format for "Crawl-delay" directive.

    18. Incorrect "Clean-param" directive format.

    19. "Clean-param" directive must follow this format: "p0[&p1&p2&..&pn][path]".

    20. "Clean-param" directive contains two or more "&" symbols consecutively.

    21. Unauthorized characters found in "Clean-param" directive.

    22. GET parameter names in the "Clean-param" directive must start and end with Latin letters or numbers.

    23. PATH URL prefix in the "Clean-param" directive is incorrectly formatted.

    24. Domain name in robots.txt contains unauthorized characters.

    25. Stream was not closed properly.

    26. The "$" symbol may be used only once and exclusively at the end of a rule.

Essential Landing Page elements

  1. Product price

  2. "Buy" or "Order" button

  3. Availability status (In stock)

  4. Frequently bought together recommendations

  5. Related or similar items suggestions

  6. Customer product reviews

  7. Price comparison list

  8. Product image

  9. Shopping cart access (at the top of the page)

  10. Compare with similar products

  11. Newly added products

  12. Price calculator

  13. Store business hours

  14. Google Maps location

  15. Shipping details and policies

  16. HTTPS protocol security

  17. Facebook profile link

  18. Accepted payment options

  19. Live chat support

  20. Product video

  21. Twitter profile link

  22. Instagram profile link

  23. LinkedIn profile link

  24. YouTube channel link

  25. Pinterest profile link


  1. Keyword recommendation tool

  2. Export reports in XLS format

  3. Import key phrases, cluster analysis, and landing page URLs from CSV files

  4. Guest access for SEO audits

  5. Generate sitemap.xml including duplicate pages and blocked pages

  6. Highlight text used in snippets

  7. Report on changes in pages and rankings

  8. Comparative analysis reports

Print version

  1. Comprehensive Audit Available in PDF and DOCX Formats

  2. Export Reports in XLSX Format

  3. White-Label Script for Integrating Reports on Your Website